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写作编辑:蒲公英小英2024-09-14 16:46:43








The shrimping industry relies on trawls to catch shrimp. Trawls are huge nets that are dragged behind boats in order to catch shrimp. Other animals, like sea turtles, are often caught inside these nets and soon die without sufficient oxygen. To help reduce the number of accidental deaths to sea turtles, engineers created a Turtle Excluder Device (TED), that must now be installed in all shrimping trawls. This one simple invention has greatly reduced the number of sea turtle deaths per year for a number of reasons.


First, the TED was specifically designed to help sea turtles. The TED mechanism has a mechanical barrier in the middle of the net that prevents any animal larger than ten centimeters from getting caught deep inside. Once the animal hits this metal grid, it tilts downward, providing that animal with a clear path to exit. Smaller animals, like shrimp, pass through the metal guard and get caught in the end of the trawl net, as usual.


Second, in order to make sure that fishermen use the Turtle Excluder Device, the “Shrimp-Turtle Law” was passed. It states that all trawling shrimping boats must have a TED installed. There are specific organizations in charge of monitoring shrimping vessels to ensure that their TEDs are properly installed and maintained.


Finally, America now tightly controls the import of shrimp. All shrimp products must come from a ship that is a certified user of TED-installed shrimping trawls. Countries, companies, or fishermen who do not comply with the “Shrimp-Turtle Law” are not allowed to sell their products in the US and some European countries. Since most shrimping businesses want to import their goods to as many locations as possible, they have decided to comply and install TEDs in their trawls.











“There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.”

DON’T say in your answer: “The author discusses how there are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.”

This is a huge mistake that many students make!



“The author discusses the advantages of switching from fossil fuels to the alternative energy source: corn-based ethanol.”






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