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雅思口语5-8月题目示范 | 轻松拿捏雅思8.0

口语编辑:蒲公英2024-08-20 12:16:03










1. Have you ever tried any exciting activities?



Yes, I've had the chance to try some thrilling activities. One memorable experience was using a cruise board to skateboard down a hill. The adrenaline rush from the speed and the challenge of maintaining balance made it an exhilarating adventure. It felt like a perfect blend of excitement and a slight touch of danger, which is something I genuinely enjoy.


2What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?


As a child, I found simple yet thrilling activities like hide and seek and chasing games incredibly exciting. The anticipation of hiding and waiting to be found or the thrill of running and being chased by friends brought so much joy and laughter. These games were not only fun but also allowed us to use our imagination and energy in creative ways.


3Has anything exciting happened to you recently?


Yes, something exciting has happened to me recently. I've started learning Chinese traditional dance. It's been a fascinating experience, as the dance is rich in cultural history and requires a lot of grace and precision. The beauty of the movements and the challenge of mastering them have been both exciting and rewarding. It's a new venture that has opened up a different world for me.


4. Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?


There was a time when I was very interested in trying adventurous activities like scuba diving and bungee jumping. However, now that I've become a mom, my perspective has shifted a bit. I still appreciate the excitement they offer, but I'm more cautious about high-risk activities. My priorities have changed, and I think I would rather focus on experiences that are thrilling yet safe.


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